Do You Have "IT"?

Back in our News Director days, if I was looking to hire an Anchor it often meant a trip to Don Fitzpatrick and Associates in San Francisco to look at videos of Anchors across the country. 

You didn't have the internet back then and this was the best way to weed through the talent that was out there and find the person you wanted. 

Back in the early 90's, KGO Reporter Wayne Freedman did a story on then KIRO News Director Bob Jordan looking for a new reporter. This is a great look back at how it was. 

For you people that have been around for a while, you will really get a kick out of this. For those of you that are somewhat new to the business, you will see how it used to be done.

While the story is almost 30 years old, the way talent is selected and hired has not changed much. 

Take a look...

BTW- FTVLive talked to Bob Jordan the other day on the phone and he is doing well and enjoying life after TV news.