Tomi Lahren Survives Water Thrown at Her 

Fox News contributor and spewer of pure hate Tomi Lahren was in a Minneapolis restaurant over the weekend when she got water thrown at her. 

Lahren was getting into it with another customer and as she was leaving, the customer threw water at her from a glass. It should be pointed out that glasses don't throw water, people do. 

Lahren will be on Fox and Friends to talk about how she was able to survive this attack and what her next move will be? 

Tomi Lahren is part of the problem when it comes to hate and division in this country. That being said, this is the United States and she has the right to say what she wants. The fact that someone threw water at her is not right. I might not agree with her hateful comments, but she has the right to say them and should do so without being doused. 

Regarding the incident, President Trump tweeted out this: 

Screen Shot 2018-05-23 at 11.06.11 AM.png

For the record, I stand with the fact that Lahren should be able to say what wants, without having water thrown at her. 

As for being "outstanding and respected"?

Not even close. I could not disagree with the President more on this.