BREAKING NEWS: DC Executive Calls It Quits

Its not often you hear of a news director legitimately calling it quits, especially in the middle of the book. But that’s exactly what just went down in DC.

WJLA-TV Station Manager/ND Mitch Jacob, just sent a memo to his staff, saying he’s decided to step away from the newsroom for a bit. So, immediately, we figured there’s more to the story. FTVLive reached out to some of its vast sources; some deep inside the Sinclair machine. Turns out, that’s exactly what happened. Here’s the memo:



Today I made the decision to take a break from daily news for a while. I’ve been in this industry for more years than I care to count and, after celebrating a birthday on Monday, I feel I’m ready for a break. This move will also give me the opportunity to spend some quality time with my mom, who has not been well.

I want to thank Scott Livingston and his team at Sinclair for their amazing support over the last decade and for allowing me to step away, especially during a book.

When I moved to D.C. I had no idea how much this city, and this job, would change my life. I am a better journalist and manager for having worked with all of you, as you have taught me so much. You have continually proven your commitment to excellent journalism over the years and I am grateful to you.

Working with you has been the highlight of my career and I have all of you to thank for that. I wish everyone the very best in what I know will be a continuation of what we have built together.

As you face new challenges, and head in directions yet to come, always remember to “Go big or Go Home!”

With that, it is time for me to say goodbye.


There have been some rumors that the WJLA-TV GM has become somewhat erratic and difficult to work with, but that also could be a lot of GM’s in the industry. As they say, only time will tell.

No word on his replacement but you can bet, the speculation is already underway.