FTVLive Test Drives IOS 7 for iPhone

FTVLive Test Drives IOS 7 for iPhone

FTVLive has been using the beta version of Apple's IOS 7 for the iPhone for a few weeks now. 

In case you don't know, Apple is releasing a new operating system for your iPhone later this Fall. 

The new OS is basically a complete visual overhaul, which changes absolutely everything the way your phone looks.

The typography and color schemes to the typical icon and button shape all look different than what you currently have on your phone. 

After we got used to the new look, we have to say we like it.  

The number one thing we like isa small thing, but make a huge difference.

 Find out what that is and more after the jump.   

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Filling up with Nike Fuel

Filling up with Nike Fuel

FTVLive has never been a big fan of diets or workout programs. We never stick to either one.

We bought P-90X and renamed it P-3 C-Ya...after 3 days we never found the time or the drive to move onto day 4.

But, I did want to try and find something that motivated me to workout and be active. I bought the Nike Fuel Band in November and it really does the trick.

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Headphones that Stay in Your Ears!!!

Headphones that Stay in Your Ears!!!

Back in November I saw a picture of myself and realized that I had become a fat slob. I knew there wasn't anything I could do to get rid of the slob part of me, but I figured I could take care of the fat part.

So, each morning I hop on my bike and I ride for at least 10 miles. After my bike ride I head into the gym for a workout.

I do all of this while listening to music and making phone calls on my iPhone.

When I first started my workouts to a slimmer me, the headphones I wore were the ones that came with the iPhone. You guys all know what I'm talking about, the white cheap headphones with the too short cord.

Once, I figured out I was going to stick with this workout routine (it was touch and go at the beginning) I knew I need to upgrade my headphones.

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A Very Cool Siri Trick

A Very Cool Siri Trick

When Apple first released Siri i have to say...it kind of sucked.

Siri never understood half the stuff you were saying and she made more mistakes than getting it right.

But, when IOS6 came out Siri was the biggest upgrade. I use Siri all the time to write texts and emails and while Siri isn't perfect, it is soooo much better than before.

Siri can do a bunch of things and it seems like everyday I find something new I can do with Siri. The latest thing I found Siri can do is really cool.

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An App That Shames You to Get out of Bed

An App That Shames You to Get out of Bed

As I get older I notice that it is easier to get up early, maybe it's because I go to bed much earlier than I used to.

But, I remember in my early days of TV News, getting out of bed seemed like the hardest thing in the world. When I was a News Photographer at KTUL in Tulsa, we had to punch a time clock when we got into work (who the hell punches a time clock anymore?)

I got called on the carpet more than a few times for punching in late.

Of course, we also didn't have phone apps (hell in those days you wore a beeper) back then that will literally shame you into getting your ass out of bed. 

More on this after the Jump

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My Laptop is Like New Again

My Laptop is Like New Again

I have had a Apple Macbook Air for a number of years now.

Ever since I bought my iPads, I almost was never using my laptop. But, now that I have changed the way FTVLive is edited and uploaded, I found that I was using my Air more than I have in months.

I keep it by the couch and type some FTVLive stories while watching TV or a movie. I have even updated FTVLive while sitting on the throne (sorry that might be too much information).

But I hd noticed that my MacBook Air was getting so slow. It took forever to boot and when it finally did, everything ran sooooo slow.

I thought about just going to the Apple Store and buying a MacBook Pro or another Air. But then I figured I would try something.

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Mini Me

Mini Me

When Apple first introduced the iPad, I thought "Hey that's kind of cool!" But I never really thought I would use it.

I have a couple of desktop computers and a MacBook Air, I figured I really didn't need the iPad. Yet, the first day it went on sale I was in line at the Apple Store buying the first gen iPad.

I bought the WiFi only version because that was all they offered on day 1.

I will say that years later, I use my iPad each and everyday. Most often when I go to bed at night, I use my iPad to surf the web, check email and see what's up on Twitter. I also read all my books on the iPad.

When I decided to take FTVLive from a pay site to a free site, I changed the way I upload stories. I could now do so from my iPad and I thought it was time for an upgrade.

I knew I wanted cellular on my new iPad, because then I could update FTVLive from anywhere and not just from a WiFi hot spot.

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Gadget Guy


I admit it...I have a gadget problem.

There...I said it.... I put it out there, I am a "GG" a Gadget Geek.

I'm the guy that stands in line for hours at the Apple Store when they release a new product. I'm the guy that has to have the latest gadget or gizmo even through I really don't need it. 

I grew up playing sports and spending most of my time outside, I never thought of myself as a "Geek" or a "Nerd" in anyway.

But, in the early 90's I bought my first home computer and I have been hooked on technology and gadgets ever since.

I have 2 iMacs, 2 PC's, 5 iPhones, 2 iPads a MacBook Air, a couple of PC Laptops, all the gaming systems, Apple TV and many of the accessories that go with all that stuff.

I love having gadgets and I have to admit I have wasted more than a few dollars buying something that turned out to be a piece of junk.

That's why I have added the FTV Tech section to this Blog. I hope to help you guys when it comes to technology. Whether it's helping you buy a new pair of headphones, an iPhone tip or a review on the latest gadget to hit the market.

Let me help give you a heads up on something before you go out and spend money on something that might not be that good.

If there is anything you want me to take a closer look, or you have a good tip please don't hesitate sending me an email.

We will also give you tips that can be used in your newsroom. We will look at the gadgets that can help your station put a better product on the air.

So when you want to get your "Geek On" this is the place to come. 

-Scott Jones

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