Gadget Guy


I admit it...I have a gadget problem.

There...I said it.... I put it out there, I am a "GG" a Gadget Geek.

I'm the guy that stands in line for hours at the Apple Store when they release a new product. I'm the guy that has to have the latest gadget or gizmo even through I really don't need it. 

I grew up playing sports and spending most of my time outside, I never thought of myself as a "Geek" or a "Nerd" in anyway.

But, in the early 90's I bought my first home computer and I have been hooked on technology and gadgets ever since.

I have 2 iMacs, 2 PC's, 5 iPhones, 2 iPads a MacBook Air, a couple of PC Laptops, all the gaming systems, Apple TV and many of the accessories that go with all that stuff.

I love having gadgets and I have to admit I have wasted more than a few dollars buying something that turned out to be a piece of junk.

That's why I have added the FTV Tech section to this Blog. I hope to help you guys when it comes to technology. Whether it's helping you buy a new pair of headphones, an iPhone tip or a review on the latest gadget to hit the market.

Let me help give you a heads up on something before you go out and spend money on something that might not be that good.

If there is anything you want me to take a closer look, or you have a good tip please don't hesitate sending me an email.

We will also give you tips that can be used in your newsroom. We will look at the gadgets that can help your station put a better product on the air.

So when you want to get your "Geek On" this is the place to come. 

-Scott Jones

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