Tegna Scrubs Reference to its DEI Programs
/Is Tegna sucking up, or were they always this way and now are happy they don't have to pretend any longer?
Look what the company very quietly did.
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Tegna sees Revenue Rise
/It’s just my opinion, but that is some straight up bullshit from Tegna…
Read MoreThe Flavor of the Month at CBS News
/Drive the division into an iceberg, and then hand the wheel to someone else…
Read MoreTegna Whacks News Director They Just Hired
/So much for vetting manger hires by Tegna. They hired a new News Director, who didn't even make it 90 days before being bounced.
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Columbus Anchor Shames Business
/Why did this Anchor feel the need to shame a business on her station-branded social media over a $3.50 purchase?
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