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Moving On in Motown

Yesterday was WXYZ (Detroit) Reporter Jim Kiertzner’s last day at the station.

Kiertzner has been working in TV news for the past 49 years and he says he is taking a pause, but he feels the need to work one more time in 2023.

"I'm done with the daily grind," he tells Deadline Detroit. "I've been doing this for 49 years. ... It's been a great run. I love what I do, but at 65, I'm at the end of a contract here now, and I have chosen to hit the brakes. I'm going to do some traveling, relax. I'm not totally done, I will do something next year in television in 2023, so I can say I've done this 50 years." What that is, he doesn't know yet.

Looking back, he says technology will continue to evolve for broadcast news, but investigative reporting's future isn't so clear. 

It's "down but it's not dead," he said. "There are still good journalists here in Detroit in the newspapers and on TV who are still doing good work on a regular basis."

Motown just lost one of those good people.

H/T Deadline Detroit

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