On the Floor at NABJ


FTVLive is a bit on the light side today as we wake up in South Florida and will be heading to the NABJ convention here in Miami.

It was a very short night. We woke up at 1AM on Wednesday, worked on and uploaded FTVLive, before jumping on the car for the 7 hour trek to South Florida. We then had a couple of meetings and then planed a grabbing and early dinner with TV Agent Rick Ramage and a couple of others. But, Rick’s plane out of New York was delayed for hours and he did not land in South Florida until almost 9PM.

By the time I left dinner and got back to the hotel, it was well past midnight and I had been awake almost 24 straight hours.

On top of that, I’m not feeling very good and I think that has something to do with three straight weeks on the road and not very much sleep. I have not been sick and years and I’m really hoping I can fight this off.

Anyway, I’m looking forward to seeing people on the floor this morning and I have brought along some FTVLive shirts. If you want one, you need to post links to FTVLive on your social media this morning and then show me you did so.

I have about 25 shirts and when they are gone they’re gone.

Now, let’s do some news….