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How I Work - Derry London

Today FTVLive stops in South Carolina WLTX to see how Social Media Manager Derry London Works.

Twitter: @Derry_London

Location:  Columbia, SC

Current gig: Social Media Manager + Digital Content support for News 19, WLTX; Occasional Social Media support for additional Gannett Broadcast properties.

Current computer: Dell Optiplex 990 running Win. 7, ENPS & Grass Valley’s Edius

Current mobile device: iPhone 5, iPad 2 (personal phone an ancient Motorola Droid 2 Global)

One word that best describes how you work: Multitasker (as I’m completing this I’m also Tweeting for WLTX & pushing content to the website)
What are your favorite Apps that you can't live without?

The TweetDeck plugin for Google Chrome on my desktop, for mobile I love being native in the Twitter app, and the FB Pages manager app is a lifesaver on my iPad & iPhone.

What's your workspace like?

My desk is in the newsroom, so I stay up to date on what’s going on & who’s doing what; it’s a little messy. Also have the guts to a large diaphragm microphone next to my phone, as a personal reminder that I’m still a v/o guy even though I’m not doing it daily any longer.
Besides your phone and computer, what gadget can't you live without?

My iPad and my wife’s Bluetooth keyboard for said iPad. Makes live-tweeting events a breeze
What Music are you listening to?

Don’t often listen while working. When commuting in the AM it’s CNN & HLN, driving home it’s anywhere from Frank’s Place to Z100/NYC to Electric Area on SiriusXM
What's your sleep routine like?

Fretful at best. Usually asleep by 10:30, woken at some point in the middle of the night by either our dog or one of the cats, then up with the alarm at 5:35A and retweeting our affiliated news orgs & AM anchors while the coffee’s brewing.
Best Advice you Ever Got?

Don’t say yes to every request. I have yet to live up to that advice.
Best Thing About your Job?

I get to be a storyteller. I get to inform our followers on major national stories of every kind, and I get to learn every day.
Worst thing about your Job?

Being obsessive over our accounts & never being able to leave them alone unless I’m unconscious.