Judge Judy Inks New Deal
Judge Judy is going to be around for awhile.
Judge Judy Sheindlin has signed a contract extension with CBS Television Distribution to keep the show running through 2017.
The show went on the air in 1996 and has been the top-rated daytime half-hour court program - an astounding 860 weeks consecutively and counting.
“We are grateful to Judy for her continued unparalleled ratings and her one-of-a-kind style,” CBS Global Distribution CEO and president Armando Nunez commented, reports Broadcasting & Cable. “She is truly the 'Queen of Daytime' and we couldn't be happier that she will continue her trademark sense of justice and humor with CTD and her stellar station line up through 2017.”
“Twenty-one is a terrific number,” Sheindlin added. “It's when you officially become an adult, it's a winning hand in blackjack and it's the number of seasons we will have hit in 2017. I am so fortunate to have a job that I still love, working with a staff I respect and with a company who is at the top of their game.”