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Can Someone at Fox News Get Bill O'Reilly a Xanax?

Remember when Alan Colmes was the token Democrat at Fox News. He was on the show Hannity and Colmes, before Hannity's ego blew up so big Colmes couldn't fit on the show anymore.​

Well Alan Colmes stopped by Bill O'Reilly's show last night and he he was expecting a happy homecoming, it didn't happen.

Bill O'Reilly flipped out on the guy. ​

If you want to skip to the part where Bill O wigs out go to the 2:40 mark. And scould someone at Fox News please get poor Bill a Xanax. ​

Bill O'Reilly brought on Alan Colmes and Monica Crowley to talk about President Obama's seeming reticence to offer any meaningful spending cuts, but most of the segment involved O'Reilly getting into a shouting match with Colmes over Colmes not being able, as O'Reilly viewed it, to provide concrete examples of what Obama wants to cut.