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Star of Dorner Stand Off Named CBS Correspondent

You might remember during the Christopher Dorner ​stand off, FTVLive was live Tweeting it and we could not say enough of how good a job Freelance Reporter Carter Evans was doing on the story for KCBS.

Well.... here's proof that one story can make your career. ​ CBS News just hired him as a Correspondent.

By the way it should be pointed out that Evans is married to Courtney Friel , who as FTVLive reported 12 days ago was bounced from her job at KTTV.

So that makes the timing of this even better. ​

Here's the memo sent to the staff: ​

From: Rhodes, David
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 5:12 PM
To: @CND News
Subject: Carter Evans

Carter Evans is now a full-time CBS News Correspondent in the Los Angeles bureau.

By now the world knows about Carter’s recent coup on the Christopher Dorner story. With producer Chris Weicher and cameraman Javier Gomez, Carter was the only reporter on the scene near Big Bear Lake when authorities closed in on Dorner after a tense manhunt. He continues to work the story today.

We’ve been fortunate to have Carter helping out in the Los Angeles bureau in recent months. He has spent time working with KCBS so he knows the territory well. I ran into Carter in the bureau the Sunday before Thanksgiving—he always seems to be working when no one else is around.

Some of that is because we’ve never taken more news coverage from the west coast than we do now. Carter joins Eleanore Vega and a great group of correspondents including John Blackstone, Lee Cowan, Ben Tracy, and Bill Whitaker, plus Teresa Garcia and Bigad Shaban at NewsPath.

Welcome Carter—and good luck.