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Stirring the Pot in Richmond?

A pro-Confederate group that held a rally in Richmond last weekend and not many pro-Confederates showed up.

There were much more people protesting the Confederates, then there were confederates. But, that is not stopping WTVR in Richmond from trying to stir the pot. The station covered the low attended event and the group says that are coming back in December. 

The station has even added a poll to see who plans on showing up to the next rally? The poll has of garnered a few hundred votes. 

Despite the fact, the first event was poorly attended, it seems the Richmond station is doing their best to make it a bigger news story than it is. 

It's almost like the station is promoting the rally to both sides to get a bigger crowd the next time. TV stations need to report the news and not try to make the news bigger to drive ratings.

Just saying... 

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