I'm Kind Of a Big Deal

The other day FTVLive wrote about how CBS Anchor Jeff Glor and I went to the same high school. 

We are both Kenmore East Bulldogs and FTVLive joke, "Glor takes over the show tonight and becomes the second biggest name to graduate from Kenmore East HS. The first big name you ask? Scott Jones, FTVLive.com of course." 

Well after we posted the story, a guy named Scott Anderson sent us this email: 

Screen Shot 2017-12-06 at 6.08.18 AM.png

We're guessing that didn't teach sarcasm at Kenmore East in 1987. 

As for FTVLive being in the Kenmore Easy Hall Of Fame?

At this point we're not, but during our time there, my name and phone number were posted in 23 lockers inside the girl's locker room at the school. 

I bet neither Mr. Anderson nor Jeff Glor can say that. 

Put that in your Hall of Fame and smoke it.